
Posts Tagged ‘slow motion’


This will not be about any LOTRO revamp, but about changes coming to this blog. A LOTRO Slow Motion revamp.

Coming changes are inevitable. The blog will have to undergo those changes, as I am not content with its current direction. Or it will die.


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Rise of Isengard happened almost two weeks ago and I, true to the motto of this blog, haven’t even tried it yet. Some of it was due to external obligations, but mostly it was the Slow Motion spirit that kept me from running towards new areas.

I have logged in, of course, but only to see the class changes and what they did to my well tested skill rotations. I feel bound to put a little mourning mention about my lovely Strong Draw trait, which made a Swift Bow – Penetrating shot a default opening sequence. And now I have to make my fingers forget that combination.

But enough of that. I have delayed the moment for too long. I event went back to finish some deeds, to earn some forgotten virtues. But today is the day. Today, I am going to…

… Enedwaith.

Yes, not Dunland. Enedwaith it is, for I haven’t been there till now.

View from Echad Dagoras

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Why “Slow Motion”?

Well, the title came from some conversations with my friend also playing LOTRO for about as long as I do. After a few times he invited me to group and go leveling together I tried to explain to him how I see the game and what my approach is.

I want to take it slow. I am in no way tempted to get to endgame as soon as possible. I do not need or want to rush levelling. I don’t care if I do not gain half a level for two weeks, as long as I achieve some other interesting things during that time. I can visit some Eru-forsaken areas just to see what’s hidden there. I can do quests way to low for me, with no real reward, just to have all the quests done. I can level my millionth alt with no hope of ever getting him even close to endgame ranks. I can grind some strange deeds for a funky title.

Living in slow motion

Do not mistake me for a full RP gamer, willing to spend days sitting in The Pony and chatting with random guys. This is still a game, only it has so many different objectives, that concentrating on fast progress would be a shameful waste of possibilities.

I want to live it in slow motion.

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